Software Solutions for Manufacturing
At Becker Quality Solutions, we appreciate the saying, "Time is money". Our goal is to keep your manufacturing process producing quality parts with minimal machine down time. We focus on getting the right information to the people who need it.

Our Products
Designed for machine operators, technicians, engineers and managers; our products are simple to use with minimal clicks. Learn more about our products below.
Reaction Plan Manager®++ Software
For Shop Floor Personnel
In today’s fast paced manufacturing environment, operators struggle to make machine adjustments because they don’t have time or ability to interpret the part measurement results. This confusion leads to machine down time and scrap. The Reaction Plan Manager++ Software solution eliminates operator confusion by converting part measurement information into process control information in real-time.
Reaction Plan Manager®++ Shop Floor View Software
For Managers and Engineers
Using historical data, the Reaction Plan Manager++ Shop Floor View assists managers and engineers make process control decisions. Questions like “What happened last shift?”; “Did the machine operator adjust the machine as instructed?”; “What specific instructions did she have to make the adjustments?” or “How many reaction plan events happened during that shift?” are all answered. Understanding what happened in the past helps you make decisions about the future!
Bolt Pattern Analysis Software
For Engineers and Technicians
If you make parts with holes, this product is for you! The Bolt Pattern Analysis Software provides tools to evaluate the process of manufacturing holes. Within seconds, you can determine how well your machine is targeted and how to fix it if adjustments are required. What separates Bolt Pattern Analysis Software from other packages is the ability to group holes into patterns and use multiple parts in an analysis.